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Car Accidents: Is Florida an “At-Fault” State?

Car accidents have the potential to be one of the defining moments of your life. Even something as seemingly minor as delayed whiplash, in which you feel no pain immediately after the collision, can change your life for years and decades to come.

Your initial focus in the aftermath of an auto accident should be on obtaining medical care. Once treated, your thoughts will inevitably turn to the legal aspect of your case.

What Does No-Fault State Mean?

Though the vast majority of states are at-fault, Florida remains a no-fault state for several reasons. Most people mistakenly assume no-fault auto insurance means to blame for the accident is assigned to a single party after the collision. The truth is that no-fault auto insurance means car insurers cover the cost of specific damage resulting from the collision, regardless of the party that caused the crash.

Florida Is a No-Fault State for Car Accidents

Like most people, you might be unaware of whether Florida is an at-fault or no-fault state in car accidents, and what does a no-fault state mean? At the moment, Florida is a no-fault state for auto accidents. Though Florida lawmakers often toy with the idea of repealing its no-fault auto accident insurance status, it appears as though the state will remain no-fault for the foreseeable future.

Florida’s no-fault status has roots that date back to the 1970s. This unique approach to auto accidents provides much-needed financial compensation to cover costs related to auto accidents while simultaneously preventing a bottlenecking of personal injury lawsuits in the legal system. If no-fault auto accident insurance requirements were not in place, Florida’s civil court system would likely be inundated with a litany of cases.

Instead of potentially letting the legal system spin out of control, Florida’s no-fault approach to auto accidents requires that motorists obtain insurance in the form of personal injury protection, or PIP for short. The important nuance to this approach to auto accidents is that the collecting party does not have to prove the party involved in the accident was responsible for causing the accident.

Florida’s no-fault car insurance laws mandate that drivers have coverage for injuries. Though some lawmakers and drivers throughout Florida consider the state’s no-fault auto insurance requirements to be financially burdensome on drivers, the legal framework is rooted in logic and reason.

No-fault auto insurance applies to the medical and hospital expenses causally related to the car accident. This insurance form also applies to the loss of income stemming from an accident victim’s inability to earn income in the aftermath of a crash. No-fault auto insurance also provides financial support to cover expenses related to funerals for those who pass away as a result of car accidents.

The downside to no-fault status is that it is costly for drivers to insure their automobiles while traversing the roads of Florida. As a result, out-of-state drivers hit the roads in the Sunshine State without any insurance at all, taking the risk that they will be involved in an accident without sufficient coverage.

If the auto accident damages surpass the capped PIP coverage amount, a benchmark for serious injury must be met to create the opportunity to obtain additional financial compensation by bringing a lawsuit. An auto injury accident victim that suffers permanent or otherwise severe injuries has the potential to collect considerable financial compensation through such a claim spearheaded by our personal injury attorney Miami.

Miami Injury Lawyers Are on Your Side

Florida’s no-fault system can be overwhelming, but do not fret. Our Miami injury lawyers are here to break down the peculiarities of Florida’s no-fault auto accident insurance laws in plain terms you can easily understand.

The aftermath of a Miami car accident is confusing. Yet, your actions during this brief period of time have the potential to make or break your personal injury case. Collect information from the driver(s) involved in the accident, including driver and passenger names, vehicle license plate numbers, auto insurance information, and vehicle model.

Reach out to the police for a formal report to document the accident and obtain prompt medical treatment. The next step is to obtain legal guidance through our Miami injury lawyer.

If you are involved in a car accident or any other accident, contact our personal injury lawyer in Miami today to learn more about Florida no fault law. Call us to schedule a consultation by dialing (305) 428-3823.